Saturday, April 28, 2012

Characters - Brontus Malloy

I thought I'd throw in any character sketches I'm able to get from my players.  This tends to bring things to life and makes the after action report more interesting.  So here is the first.

Player: Marcus 
Description by player!

Picture of Brontus Malloy; I don't know the source, but good artwork!

Brontus Malloy joined the King's army as soon as he was able, lying about his age to free himself from the life of a peasant.  Showing a natural aptitude for tracking and scouting, he was assigned to the borders of the sea of grass.  His mission was to track Orc rading parties far past the border to provide advance warning for human settlements nearby.  This usually consisted of 1-3 other scouts and it was considered quite dangerous, fatality rates were high and some teams would just disappear, with creative rumors of what fate they discovered at the hands of the Orcs.

Brontus did this job well, earning high praise from his officers and surviving longer than the typical scout.  5 years into his service he and a new recruit stumbled upon an Orc encampment not far from the border consisting almost entirely of women and young children, maybe 20 in all.  Instead of butchering them on the spot, Brontus decided to fall back, much to the confusion of the fresh recruit who had a thirst for his first blood. 

Silently returning to the nearest outpost, Brontus spoke no more of it.  The new recruit reported this to the officer in charge and Brontus would not deny the charge.  In the melee that ensued, Brontus had struck the commanding officer and two other guards.  It wasn't long afterwards that he was sent to the mines to repay the King for his "crimes".  

Almost 10 years later, Brontus at the age of 35 was free.  During his servitude he developed a faith in Serena and a new-found appreciation to gaze upon the stars at night.  Returning to County Darkwood, to see the mysterious woods again, he managed to convince the Forester's Guild of his loyalty and has spent the last 3 years in their employment.

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