Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Broken Adventure Thread

So an awkward thing has occurred -- Brontus' player has had to back out.  Ordinarily not a problem, but he was the host and GM of our regular GURPS Reign of Steel game.  That's a bummer.  It'll be tough to find a new venue in the short run, though I'm sure we'll work it out in the end.  But the real bummer is losing a good player and GM -- I was having a lot of fun in his RoS game!

As I envisioned that this would be a blog about my RPG life, I guess I'll continue along those lines.  This means that in the short run, our group has no location, and is non-functional.  Not great timing, given that summer is coming up along with summer vacations, camping, hiking, barbeques, etc., which always take a toll on gaming.  It gets harder to arrange games once you have a family.  That's the way it goes.

Meanwhile, I'm considering posting some of the game material in this blog.  I'm currently mulling the direction of things.  The other two players haven't finalized characters yet.  Since Brontus was the first character made for this campaign, he set the "tone" of things.  That tone was a campaign at least initially centered around the Darkwoods, which is a vast forest to the north of the Kingdom of Keltharian.  His character was a law enforcer of sorts, a deputy of the Reeve of the Wood, and any characters coming in were to be caught up in Brontus' world.  With Brontus an NPC, and with the characters being a necromancer and a bard, I'm strongly considering shifting the center of the campaign to Darkwood Towne, a trade town along the Jewel Road.  Both characters would make more sense in an urban environment, at least as a base of operation.

I'll have to see what they come up with in the end...

1 comment:

  1. So I'm bringing back an old player, finding a new venue, and targeting the first weekend in June as the next (first) session. The new direction seems like it'll go well. Might add a second old player. If so, we'll be up to 4, which is plenty for a good, stable group. And one of my players might run a Cliffhangers game, which would be, well, awesome! IMHO, if you don't sit on the other side of the table at least some of the time, you end up being a lousy GM.
