Thursday, May 10, 2012

Darkwood Towne -- the Stat Block


Darkwood Towne
Population: 5500 (Search +0)

Physical and Magical Environment
Terrain: Plains
Appearance: +0 (See notes.)
Hygene: -1
Normal Mana (Common Enchantment)

Culture and Economy
Language: Eastern Common
Literacy: Broken
TL: 3 / 4
Wealth: Comfortable (x2)
Status: -2 to 4

Political Environment
Government: Feudal
CR: 3 (Corruption -1)
Military Resources: $154,000
Defense Bonus: 7

Darkwood Towne is a major trade town on the Jewel Road.  Darkwood Towne is attractive along its main street storefronts and more established sections, but in the cramped summer lodgings outside its walls and the summer-rent boarding houses within, it has a dilapidated look. Between mid-April through the end of September, the population swells to roughly 7500 as caravans come from the East, merchants come from all around County Darkwood, and trade flows eastward from the Inner Sea.  During the market season, there is a bonus of +2 to Search Rolls for trade goods of almost any description.  
Most of the itinerant population circulates outside the town gates at the caravansarie and the surrounding market.  The caravansarie itself is a small complex of buildings designed to accommodate caravans and small merchants -- over 500 horses together with wagons and 200 men can be accommodated within the walls and relative security of these buildings.  Merchants rent stalls and stay in temporary lodgings or stay in rented rooms within the town.  With all of these itinerant people -- merchants, drovers, caravan guards, etc. -- policing is all but impossible, setting CR 1 for the caravansarie and market.  Only major thefts and the most violent of crimes are pursued by the police
The military resources listed are those of the Lord Mayor Percy Orven’s men, representing half of those available (the other half goes to the County).  They are charged with keeping the peace and defending the town.  The town guard consists mainly of heavy and medium infantry, approximately 40 in all.  During the summer, Lord Percy hires mercenaries to assist in guarding the town and policing the caravansarie, though such policing is generally less than gentle, and subject to corruption.  In addition, Lord Percy’s household guard consist of a dozen esquires (medium cavalry), 8 knights (heavy cavalry), and several squires (medium infantry), all of whom participate in the defense of the town and its policing.  Finally, every man of Status 0 or above is required to maintain and train with a crossbow as part of the local militia, called only during a time of emergency.

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